Emmy Retreat Apartments is perfectly located in KIGALI , KICUKIRO KAGARAMA Kk 395 st . House Number:82. Welcome to Emmy Retreat Apartments, your Home away from Home.
We offer you a remarkable service.
When you search for a temporally home,Emmy Retreat Apartments brings you all the confidence. Whether you are looking for a rental house or apartment. We put the power of experience and trusted customer service to work for your comfort!
EMMY RETREAT APARTMENTS is an apartment that has 4HOUSES :Sweet House , House of Joy , Peaceful House , Luxury House. Each House has 2Bedrooms and bathrooms , Toilets , Each House has a TV with a good WIFI ,a small Kitchen and a Good Car Parking
Emmy Retreat Apartments kicukiro , kagarama Kk 395 st. House number: 82
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